Dashcams: everything you need to know

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Dashcams: everything you need to know

Dashcams have become more useful than ever thanks to in-fleet connectivity and advanced driver assistance technologies. In commercial fleets, dashboard cameras or dash cams record videos from the dashboard. To be fair, they have gained a lot of popularity in private vehicles recently.

What can AI do to improve dashcams?

Dashcams with AI offer more to the users than recording road events. In critical situations such as head-on collisions, rear-view collisions, and near misses, these cameras can record high-definition videos. This triggers notifications and uploads violation snapshots to the cloud. 

A fleet manager can access video evidence immediately following a road accident or driving violation to determine who is at fault. By offering in-cab coaching, monitoring driver alertness, and detecting risks, AI-based dashcams greatly reduce the risk of accidents. Data collected from AI dashcams can be turned into rich driving insights. 

Different types of dashcams

Depending on the model, dashcams can be facing the road, such as front-view, rear-view, or side-view cameras, or driver-facing cameras. Fleet managers can analyze traffic patterns and traffic conditions by using road-facing dash cams. 

A driver-facing dashcam or in-fleet dashcam can track distracted drivers and alert them in real time. Overall, these dashcams can mitigate the risk of fatalities on the road and enable drivers to drive safely. 

Additionally to the angle of recording, dashcams vary according to the following:

Dashcam size (discreet or visible)
Compatibility with the cloud
Memory cards and storage
High-quality video
GPS tracking
Audio recording

When it comes to dashcams, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Before choosing a dashcam, it is wise to determine your business' pain points.

What made AI dashcams so important?

Safety for drivers
Increasingly, fleet managers are recognizing that road collisions are not just a safety issue, but also an economic one. You may have to pay higher insurance premiums, maintenance fees, and repair costs after a road accident. 

The risk of life when you gamble against safety cannot be overstated. Using smart dashcams, drivers can prevent road accidents, be alerted, and receive real-time coaching. Besides reducing the risk of a fatality, this also increases visibility on the road.

Solid Evidence
Dashcams record the moments before a road accident and provide insight. Dashcam video footage can not only be used to contest false insurance claims, but also for driver coaching. If you run into any problems, you'll always have evidence at your fingertips with smart dashcams.

Efficiencies and compliance
Among the many features of modern dashcams are lane departure warnings, speed limit monitoring, pedestrian crossing alerts, forward collision warnings, gesture control, and more. This helps drivers make better decisions on the road. Drivers can follow safety regulations with the aid of smart dashcams. This makes fleets safer and more efficient. 

Safe parking
When parallel parking, irresponsible drivers often damage their vehicles. Even when you're parked, dashcams can record all fleet-related activities. As long as your fleet's engine is turned off, the dashcams continue to record in loop, so you won't miss a thing.

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